ATTENTION: Reading is a form of self-care

I used to think reading was a chore that took up a lot of time. It was boring and the thought of reading a 300 odd paged book was overwhelming and daunting. However, it is the case of getting used to reading and finding out what works for you.  Many factors can affect your reading experience and I want to focus my first post on tips and tricks on how to  make reading enjoyable so you can incorporate it into your self-care routine.

1. Allocate time specifically for reading.

-  Depending on the time of year it can be difficult to schedule time throughout your day for reading especially if you're a Uni student with endless assignments and tasks. However,  reading before bed is a great habit to begin. This can help you feel relaxed and disengage with work or worries that are on your mind. You don't have to read for hours on end but I find setting a 20-30 minute timer can be effective as it seems more manageable and you can easily adapt this into your night time routines.

2. Make your reading space look appealing.

- Tis the season for reading. Since dark nights have arrived quicker than we would like, its time to make your room cosy ideal for reading.

- Having an ambient reading environment helps you get into the mood to read. Light a candle, get a blanket or get a hot drink (preferable not caffeinated we are trying to de-stress) and unwind. Fairy lights are a must!!! I have some in my room and I love them. They create a welcoming and chilled vibe and instantly lift your mood. Once you have achieved this grab your book and start reading.

3.  Social Media 

- I find doing some research always helps when trying to find your next read. I like looking on Social Media to see what other people are reading and it's great way of discovering new authors. You can probably guess what platform I am going to suggest... TikTok!!!! "BookTok" is a popular hashtag on the site where creators share reviews, recent reads and recommendations. Most of my 2022 reads have been books I have saw on TikTok and the site has introduced me to some of my favourite authors and helped me figure out what genre of books I like (anything written by Taylor Jenkins-Reid she is a writing mastermind) 

4. Set reading goals and track 

- Setting reading goals is a good way to motivate yourself to read continuously. Once you have found the books you are interested in reading give yourself a reasonable amount of time to complete them in.  Remember, as a beginner reader your goals are unique to you and will be different to others. Your goal maybe to read 5 books in a month or 5 books in year it doesn't matter. Even 1 book a month is amazing!!

You can track your reading on GoodReads or even keep a note on your phone. Your progress will make you feel accomplished and satisfied which will also positively impact self-esteem.

During Spring I started buying a bunch of books for  my summer reads. I aimed to read about 5 books throughout the holidays before uni started back for another year. Well... that didn't happen lol, I read 2 but that is okay. I am still a beginner when it comes to reading so I now know 5 books was a bit ambitious for me.

5.  Always carry a book with you

- I always have a book in my bag. You never know when you might be bored in a waiting room with nothing to do. Your phone has no service and you're just people watching. You can use this time to read a few pages. This can make you feel productive with your time. 

Well, I hope these little tips will be useful to you and help you start your reading journey. Feel free to leave some comments about your reading experience and any tips you have for others.

✨Reading is a luxury and you deserve to take the time to unwind. ✨


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